Import File Field Mapper Page of the Integration Wizard

Use this page to define the order of fields in the selected import file, which is used to define the general information for control accounts and work packages such as name (keys), description, dates, progress technique, and other information.

To define the field order:

  1. If you want the import file to contain a header row, select the File contains a header row checkbox.
  2. Define the data code in each column by selecting values from a drop-down list on the first row of each column.
    Values in the drop-down lists depend on the options selected on the Action Selection page. Use the <Ignore> option more than once to signify fields that the process should ignore during the import process.
    If you are importing data that contains quotes in the descriptions, you must use the XLS format of the file. You must also select the File contains a header row option.
    Select the Cobra field that corresponds to the type of data in the import file column.
    <Ignore> Select this value to represent fields that the process should ignore during the import process.
    Control Account field 1 prompt This value corresponds to the prompt assigned to Control Account Field 1.
    Control Account field 2 prompt This value corresponds to the prompt assigned to Control Account Field 2.
    Control Account field 3 prompt This value corresponds to the prompt assigned to Control Account Field 3.
    Work Package prompt This value corresponds to the prompt assigned to the work package. You can select a work package code without control account and work package keys.
    Work Package Manager This value corresponds to the work package manager assigned to the project.
    Resource This value is available only when you are importing data from a single file. This value corresponds to the resource assignment for the selected cost set or class type.
    From Date This value is available only when you are importing data from a single file. If this value is not selected or contains empty dates, the resource uses the activity start date.
    To Date This value is available only when you are importing data from a single file. If this value is not selected or contains empty dates, the resource uses the activity finish date.
    Curve This value is available only when you are importing data from a single file. If this value is not selected, the values are spread using the linear curve and the Spread Weight Options in Project Properties.
    Class This value corresponds to the class associated with the resource.
    <Individual Results> This value separately lists each result defined for the selected project on the Resource File Properties dialog box.
    Project Select this value if:
    Code.<prompt> This value lists code prompts on the control account or work package depending on the level of actual costs defined.
    Resource Assignment.<prompt> This value is available only when you are importing data from a single file. There is one column for each Resource Assignment Code Field defined on the project. Selecting the Resource Assignment column is optional.
    User Character Fields [1-10] This value is available only if you select Code Assignments and User Fields on the Action Selection page. If you select this option, the value will be imported into the corresponding field in the Spreadsheet pane of the Project view. Cobra will overwrite codes in Cobra with the codes in the schedule, even if the codes are empty. If the control account or work package is in Cobra, but the control account or work package is not being loaded from the schedule, the user character field in Cobra will not be updated. See User Fields tab on the Schedule Mapping Page of the Integration Wizard for additional information on user fields.
    Note: You must first run the required script to display User Character Fields [6-10]. Refer to Additional User Fields for instructions on how to configure Cobra to use these additional fields.
    User Number Fields [1-10] This value is available only if you select Code Assignments and User Fields on the Action Selection page. If you select this option, the value will be imported into the corresponding field in the Spreadsheet pane of the Project view. Cobra will overwrite codes in Cobra with the codes in the schedule, even if the codes are empty. If the control account or work package is in Cobra, but the control account or work package is not being loaded from the schedule, the user number field in Cobra will not be updated. See User Fields tab on the Schedule Mapping Page of the Integration Wizard for additional information on user fields.
    Note: You must first run the required script to display User Number Fields [6-10]. Refer to Additional User Fields for instructions on how to configure Cobra to use these additional fields.
    User Date Fields [1-10] This value is available only if you select Code Assignments and User Fields on the Action Selection page. If you select this option, the value will be imported into the corresponding field in the Spreadsheet pane of the Project view. Cobra will overwrite codes in Cobra with the codes in the schedule, even if the codes are empty. If the control account or work package is in Cobra, but the control account or work package is not being loaded from the schedule, the user date field in Cobra will not be updated. See User Fields tab on the Schedule Mapping Page of the Integration Wizard for additional information on user fields.
    Note: You must first run the required script to display User Date Fields [6-10]. Refer to Additional User Fields for instructions on how to configure Cobra to use these additional fields.
    Units to do This value corresponds to the number of units that remain to be completed, if you are using the Units Complete progress technique.
    A sample import file is shown below:

    Note: If actual costs are at the control account level, you must select the control account keys or a control account code. If actual costs are at the work package level, you must select the control account keys and a work package.